Final DST Revied- Jacob Reeves

This is my second cut for my DST project. My DST explores the decision that was made by Harriet Truman at the end of the Second World War. The decision that Truman faced was should he use the new atomic bombs that was made during the Manhattan Project that was started by Roosevelt. Truman decide that he had to drop the bomb in order to save American soldier’s lives, and he fear the backlash he would face if the public found out about the bombs. If the public learned that he had bombs that could have ended the war, and save American lives they would have been hashed on him. This decision would become a controversial in American history.

Omeka & Lesson Plan-Jacob Reeves

My Omeka focuses on the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962.The Cuban Missile Crisis is one of the most important events in modern history. For these thirteen days the world waited to see if the Soviet Union, and Untied States were going to go to war with each other. If this happen it could have meant the end of the world as we know it. With the nuclear weapons that both sides had they could cause massive destruction on the world. For that reason, the Cuban Missile Crisis is a major moment in human history. The Omeka site will take you through, and show you some of the important people, technology, and event that happening during the crisis. By the time you are done you will understand why this crisis is important to history.

Omeka site:

Lesson plan: Omeka Lesson Plan


Lesson Plan for Social Media-Jacob Reeves

In this lesson plan student will be looking at the causes of World War One. They will be looking at the different perspectives of each of the countries, and their people. Student will be using July 1914: Soldiers, Statesman, and the Coming of the Great War to help them with creating a Twitter page. They will also be analyzing primary document form the time to help. By the end of the lesson student should have an understanding of the causes of WWI, and how perspectives change how people see history. WWI Social media lesson-individual-template

Week 12 Blog Jacob Reeves

With the integration of technology in the classroom, many teachers fear that technology will distract their students. They are afraid that their students will be browsing the internet or on social media. While technology may offer students another outlet for distract it is not to blame for students not paying attention in the classroom. As Lang said in  that a distracted is a battle in the brain between making goals, and the ability to keep yourself from being concerned about our envorment.

What I found interesting about this article is the question that Langs asks As teachers are we giving our student a goal to work towards when they are in class? I know the anwer most people give would be yes our goal for our students it to learn the material we are teaching to be able to pass a test. But is this really a goal? As teachers should we have better goals than making sure that our students understand information for a test? In today’s educational system this seems to be the goal that teachers are forced to give to their students. While making sure that our students are ready to pass the tests that are giving at the end of the semester is important. Our student’s education should more than this. I feel that most students feel that they should only know the information they are giving in class for the test at the end and then they can forget it.

I know you are wondering why I what this has to do with keeping our students from being distracted in the classroom. Well, I believe if we help our students understand that their goal for the class is not learning the information just to pass, but instead see how the information that is being taught in class can help them in the world. Like for example learning about Civil Rights in a history classroom. Students learn about Civil Rights remember the names for a test. As teachers, we should make goals that cause our students to learn about the Civil Rights, but then take what they learn and use it in their lives. For example, there have been many protests over police brutality towards Africa Americans. A goal we could have for students is taking what you have learned about the Civil Rights movement, and see if the same things are happening now. Take what you learn about peaceful protests, and see if you can use it to help fight for something you believe in. The point is if you want your students to pay attention in class they need to know that what is being taught is important to them. With this being said if you give them a goal that more then just learning the information for the class they will be more invested in class.

Blog Week 10 Jacob Reeves

Social media is something that many educators do not like in their classroom. Social media has been on the rise for years. Many students today have lots social media accounts everything from Facebook to Twitter. As teachers, we need to use these social media to our advantage in the classroom.

For example, Twitter is something that many students use so, they are familiar with these sites. Twitter can be used for educational purposes in the classroom. In Michael S. Rosenwald’s “Dead Presidents Are Mouthing off on Twitter. Nixon Won’t Shut up,” he writes about these dead presidents who are giving these fake profiles. This could be used an activity for students in the classroom. For example, a history teacher could assign students a historical figure and have them tweet as that person. I remember for one of my college class I had to present a historical figure without using a PowerPoint, so I decide to use Facebook. I made a Facebook page for him and post as him. I used the posts as to present the information about my person.

Twitter and other social medias can also be useful for historians to still in touch with other historians. As Jennifer Swartz, “Stepping Through the Looking Glass: Twitter for Educators,” twitter can help teachers get in touch with other teachers from all over the country, or the world. Teacher can be used twitter to help each other solve the problems that they face in their classroom. As teachers we should not frown on but, instead we can use social media in many different ways to help your students, and yourself.

Blog DST Jacob Reeves

When I was presented with our Digital Story Telling (DST) project at the beginning of teaching history in the digital age class I was not sure about this project. For me I was thinking that this project would not work in a high school class due to fact that I felt like it would be a lot of work and take too much time away from my class. In public schools the standard that are set up for our educational system causes teachers to rush through material to make such that they cover everything. Many teachers including myself would feel that a DST would be too much for them to fit in their busy schedules, but I feel that the DST has a lot offer for teachers and students.

For teachers a DST could be a tool for you to use to let students teach each other about topics in your classroom. Let be honest sometimes student get tired of listening to teacher lecturing about history for however long each day. DST could give the power of learning to students, and let students take learning into their own hands. DST could also shake up the routine of the classroom that can boring for the students having a different student teach a topic for each class could bring excitement to the classroom. A student’s DST could be used to introduce a topic in your class that you are going to each teach.

For students I think that a DST project is great for students. At first, I did not like the idea of the DST, but after reading Digital Storytelling in the Classroom by Jason Ohler. Ohler goes into detail in his book about how to do a DST. I believe the big concept from my Ohler reading is use of story mapping. A story map is the concept of having student map out their story causing students to really think about the how to shape their DST. For DST project students need to have grasp on their topic to make a successful DST this means a student will have self-taught themselves about their topic. Of course, you could argue that a research paper does the same thing, but writing a paper could be boring for students. DST does everything a paper does, but in a way, that is not boring, but fun for students. At the end of the day students would have made a product that is more interesting than a paper.

Week 6 Jacob Reeves

The internet is an amazing thing when you stop a minute and take look at what is can. With the internet you access to a never amount of information. With the amount of information and the ability for anyone to easily put anything on the web. You ran into the problem of is the information people are putting on the web true, or is it false. In history class, or any other kind of class students are some point will have to do research. The internet seem like it would be a wonderful tool for students, but like I hint at before just because something is on the internet does not mean that it is accurate information. For history class the time of going to a library and search through catalogs is slowly dying being replace by the internet. With this change student are no longer going to the libraries, but instead they are going to google, or anything search engine and using  it to found sources.  The problem is are the sources student are finding are they good sources, or are they misleading sources.

As a student who is a history major I have done a lot of research for the many classes I have taking. When I first started out I made the same mistakes that many students made. I will use google to help research topics. It was not until I got into college that my professor really taught me how to find reliable sources such as the ones that you can find in a database. This was good for me, but why did it take until the time I was in college to learn this? Now that I look back why did I not learn learn this skill in high school. I mean to gratitude I had to do a research paper in my senior English class.  All I learned was how to cite sources they did not teach me to look at a source and ask myself is this source reliable.

As a future educator I do not what to make the same mistake as my teachers. I want my students to be able to find reliable sources to help them inform them self about a topic. For my this skill is not just for students who are wanting to go to college, but it is for everyone. The internet is becoming the center for people to obtain information, and people need to be able to know if the information has a  bias, or just plain wrong. We need to teach students to be to teach students how to look at the creator of a page, and tell if the creator has a basis that my their information lead the wrong way. That are other things we need to teach student to look at for, but my reason for this blog post deals with why we need to teach all student to be good researcher on the internet. Having citizens who are able to do research on the internet properly will help our society become more inform about issues such as one related to likes said politics. Having a society of people who do not believe anything the see on the internet will help us become better decision makers in the end. The internet is great resource as long as you know how to use it.